
Billy and the Queen stephen rabley

A magazine called Palace is on the table. Gran opens it. "Look!" she says. "There's a competition here and the first prize is £500." Billy looks at the magazine. "Send us a photo of you and the Queen together," he reads.

Billy and Rox are staying with their grandmother in Brighton. They dream of having expensive new bikes, but where will they find the money? Gran has a plan. The only things they need are a cam
era, a bit of luck and the Queen of England!

I thought Rox's idea was very clever and funny. And I was surprised that newspaper tells queen's weekly schedule in this story.

Hannah and the hurricane

"It's cheaper!" she says. "Yes," says a man standing behind her. "And it's going to be the only glass-bottomed boat on the island in a month or two. It's going to be 'Goodbye, Mr. Duval!'" And he laughs. 

Hannah works for old Mr. Duval on his boat. They take tourists to visit the coral reef. But someone is tying to destroy their business. The hurricane begins and Hannah risks her life to get to the truth.

I felt her way of thinking is very wonderful. But I wondered why she want to work for Mr.Duval. I thought they were family or something like that.

Markel and the white star

"What that on the floor?" one waiter asks. "I don't know," says another. "Is it...? No, it can't be a diam..." But before he can finish, Marcel runs across the room. He puts the white star around his neck. Then he runs to the door.

Markal is a French mouse who is a very fine secret detective. Thieves steal the famous white star diamond ring which belong to the opera singer, Zaza Dupont. But Marcel is determined to return it to her.

This is the first time for me to see such a gentleman mouse. I thought He could help her because he was "mouse". I want to see him someday.

The Fireboy

"One day we're going to be very rich," he tells Hepu. "Are we?" the fireboy looks into his father's tired eyes. "Yes." Bak smiles. "I don't know how and I don't know when, but we are." 

Hepu lives in Ancient Egypt. He works for his father, a goldsmith. One day Hepu has a wonderful idea. He decides to make a beautiful gold necklace for Queen Cleopatra.

I thought they get a lot of money, their lives, and jobs because those of them were really hard worker and believed each other. I thought that I want to be like Hepu in the future.

The Last photo

He stands in front of the flowers. "Look at me" says Pam and takes a photo. A man with a big rucksack on his back walls between Pam and Martin. "Oh, no" says Pam. "Now I've got a picture of that man, not of you, Martin"

Pam and Martin are visiting Cambridge for the day. Pam decides she wants to finish the film in her camera and takes a photo she takes turns out to be very helphull for the police...

If I were in the Pam and Martin position, Probably I didn't notice that he was the same man on newspaper. So I thought they has a good memory.

The white oryx

"Look there!" Mandy says. "I can see tracks." "You're right," Abdullah says. "There are the tracks of a track, and some oryx. And look! There's some blood in the sand here - and there." 

Mandy Brown is in the desert with Abdullah, an oryx ranger. But there are poachers in the desert too - and a mother oryx is dead. Can Mandy and Abdullah catch the poachers? And can they find the dead oryx's baby?

In this book, there were a few difficulty words foe me. But I could understand what happened in this whole story. I want to try to read this story again.

Dino's Day in London

"There's a letter for you at Ritz. There's £50, too. That's a lot of money." "£50 for one day in London!" says Tommy. "That's a lots of money." "I know" says Sam. "Be very nice to the boy, Tommy, and don't be late"

A wealthy actress wants her son, Dino, to have a cultural tour of London by taxi. There is a taxi tour, but it's not quite as expected.

While reading this story, I couldn't feel good impression for Dino. But After knew this story's ending, I could understood why Dino behave to Tommy so bad.